Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Therese (Paulzine) Doroff • 2004 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota1159 Jeans Lane
Amery, WI 54001
(715) 268-4334

Family: I am married to David (9 years). I have 4 daughters, Amanda – recent graduate, plans on attending U of M-Duluth to pursue a degree in teaching high school English with a minor in coaching or major in sports medicine. Alyssa, 13, entering high school soon, plays piano and percussion instruments, loves basketball and instant messaging. Anyssa, 10, born to have fun, loves sports, especially football, basketball and volleyball, also any water sports. She also plays piano, organ and soon trumpet(?). Ashley, 8, a brainiac, always in a book, plays piano and loves her friends. Adam, our only boy, is 4. He loves his sisters and anything with a motor.

Job and Place of Work: I’m a Registered Nurse, working in the triage emergency departments at the Amery Regional Medical Center. I teach Neonatal Resuscitation classes at area hospitals and also Advanced Cardiac Life Support for a consortium for health care in my local area.

My favorite high school memory is… camping at Lake Fanny with all us girls, truth or dare, hypnosis and lots of laughs.

Someone from my high school days who had the biggest impact on me… My 10th grade history teacher, Mr. Alleva, who told me that he believed in my ability to succeed in life. That I could attend college even if my family wasn’t supportive or I didn’t have money and that any path in life I wanted was mine for the taking.

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, MinnesotaIn my free time I… enjoy scrapbooking, reading, outdoor activities, gardening, playing or cheering on sports, cooking and being with my friends.

Recently I had fun… in Mexico with my children and husband. It was a surprise Christmas gift to our kids. We really enjoyed the weather, water sports, but especially swimming and riding the dolphins.

Something new in my life… I just returned from sending my oldest daughter off to Europe for a couple weeks of history studies. It’s the reality of many things; I’m getting older, she’s now her own person – I no longer have control over her day-to-day life. Oh! I can feel the beginning of that dreaded mid-life stuff!

In the near future, I plan to… further my education and send my daughter off to college.

I look forward to… seeing all of my Evansville classmates and catching up.

I would recommend… getting over life’s little hurts or disappointments, putting your energy into enjoying who, what, and where you are now.

Home 1984



Evansville High School
Evansville, MN