Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Richard Ehlen • 1994 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, MinnesotaCurrent Address & Phone:
  2855 Timberline Drive
  Eugene, OR 97405
  (503) 344-6260
  Wife - Carol (Married-5/23/92)
Job & Place of Work:
  Doctor of Optometry at Rainbow Optic (Eugene, OR)
What I'd change if I could go back to high school:
  I would have taken classes and my education more seriously,
  simply because it was free!
I still...
  play basketball.
In my free time I...
  golf, fish, and hunt.
Recently I had fun...
1.) visiting Crater Lake National Park, and
  2.) going on a jet boat ride on the Rogue River.
Something new in my life...
  I'm finally finished with school and now have a "real" job. I have now been working for two
  years. I'm also married.
In the near future, I plan to...
  buy a home and start a family.
Someday I'd like to...
  move back to Minnesota and start my own practice. At that time, also hire Tammy & LeAnn
  as my office managers (Ha, Ha - nothing like planning you're future too!)
A good book / movie l album I'd recommend is...

Home 1984 1994 2004

Evansville High School
Evansville, MN