Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Marlys (Sanstead) Steidl • 2004 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota6001 County Road 42 NE
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 846-2663

Family: Married to Kurt, 2 children – Keith (15) and Samantha (11). My parents have retired and sold the farm and built a new house near the original farm.

Job and Place of Work: Parent Educator (self employed), Wadena, Todd & Douglas County Social Services

In my free time I… play piano and ride four-wheeler.

Recently I had fun… in Las Vegas.

Home 1984 1994 2004

Evansville High School
Evansville, MN