Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Melissa Runningen • 2004 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota10579 Rabbit Road
Ashby, MN 56309
(218) 747-2230

Family: My son, Mike, is 14 and is playing football for the B-E Chargers. My parents moved back to my dad’s home place in ’98 to be near his mother (she passed away in 2003.) I have moved into her house and am in the process of fixing it up.

Job and Place of Work: looking for work

In my free time I…work on the house and on the computer (on and off line)

Recently I had fun… designing and printing my sister Shelly’s wedding announcements, thank you’s and letter for her new shop opening.

Home 1984 1994 2004

Evansville High School
Evansville, MN