Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Michael Moriarty • 1994 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, MinnesotaCurrent Address & Phone:
  6430 Unity Avenue North
  Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
  (612) 537-7810
  Wife - Renee (Married 11/18/89)
  Child - Sean 12/26/91
Job & Place of Work:
  Machine operator at Bermo, Inc.
What I'd change if I could go back to high school:
  I'd be a little less crazy.
I still...
  wish I was 17 with no cares or worries
In my free time I...
  golf, hunt, tinker around.
Someday I'd like to...
  move back up North.

Home 1984 1994 2004

Evansville High School
Evansville, MN