Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota

Michael Moriarty • 2004 Class Reunion

Evansville High School Class of 1984 - Evansville, Minnesota5248 Fremont Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55430

Family:  Getting remarried in October to a gal by the name of Debbie Allen; my son Sean is doing well, he just started 7th grade. 

Job and Place of Work:  Bermo, Inc. - Shipping & Receiving Clerk 

My favorite high school memory is:  The broken back window on the car on prom night. 

Someone from my high school days who had the biggest impact on me: football coach, he taught me to not back down when I'm right.  

I still:  do stupid stuff and say stupid stuff, like usual.

In my free time I: WHAT FREE TIME? 

Recently I had fun:  Getting a new puppy (Megan) 

Something new in my life:  puppy 

In the near future, I plan to:  get married, get a new house, and get another puppy. 

I look forward to:  training my new puppy to pheasant hunt. 

Home 1984 1994 2004

Evansville High School
Evansville, MN